# Gyuri Lajos - A [[person]] - "I am doing a kind of inter personal knowledge graph that integrates with [[hypothesis]] and [[memex]] annotations too" - [[twitter]] https://twitter.com/TrailMarks - [[mastodon]] https://social.coop/@indiehub - [[friend]] of the agora - [[github]] https://github.com/gyuri-lajos - [[trailmarks]] - [[trailhub]] - [[weaving a decentralized semantic web of personal knowledge]] - [[freebase]] - [[building augmented knowledge architectures]] - [[wikinizer]] - [[brain]] https://ipkg.fission.app/hyp searches gyuri's annotations which contain *a lot* - [[2022-04-14]] - long time! catching up. - [[flancian]] lots of work, very busy perhaps because I can't work "smarter". dealing with it though :) - [[gyuri]] spent the last few months paying down [[tech debt]], fixing core issues - had also a mobile experience but the core graph decisions weren't fixed - (uses [[screenapp io]]) - want a really mallable conception of a graph - didn't like [[rdf]] because of the [[tessellation]] of the graph with triples -- good for propositional knowledge but not emergent knowledge - [[gyuri]] prefers subject-predicate - [[ipfs]] and [[web native]] remove the trappings of database/backend setups forcing a certain set of abstractions - with [[indylab]] [[gyuri]] wants to provide several possible implementations for capabilities built on top of [[ipfs]] and [[web native]] abstractions -- calls them [[intents]]. - [[mindgraph]], [[trailmarks]] does something similar to what [[solid]] does: choose a universal data model (a [[graph]] is good for this) and build on top of that - every [[trailmark]] is a name of an intent and has [[capabilities]] associated - now focusing on developing [[capabilities]] based on the above process: - write [[trailmarks]] which name [[intents]] and are eventually [[executable]] - [[indylab]] is an [[mvp]] for an interpersonal [[app]] [[constellation]] - on the same level as [[fission]] (but it's built on it) - instead of having a wiki, an issue tracker, etc. you can have them all integrated in indylab - (demo) - [[revealjs]] based presentation in [[trailmarks]] proper - [[reveal]] is an intent (reveal/?slides where slides is actually the id) - [[html as exchange format]] - with a [[list structure]] (gyuri calls them [[listicles]]) - [[web3.storage]] - passes back [[dweb.link]] - [[meta]] - on live demo: could be better if the URLs were shareable instead of localhost:8080 - also would be nice to start from one property, ideally from a new user experience - slide feedback - #push [[fair]] is a movement - [[findable]] [[accessible]] [[interoperable]] [[remixable]] apps - [[intents]] - [[pubs]] come from [[scuttlebutt]] - how can I help?sti - #push - LATER set up https://github.com/libp2p/js-libp2p-webrtc-star for [[gyuri]] so his [[orbitdb]] can use it :LOGBOOK: CLOCK: [2022-04-15 Fri 19:34:01]--[2022-04-15 Fri 19:34:03] => 00:00:02 :END: ## [[2021-12-05]] - == [[iuri laiosh]] - [[leg district]] - like when you go up a hill or mountain and you realize that there's another similar excursion you can start from up top (to the next hill/high) - but now apparently out of this! a good time to look back/down, revisit, consider, [[demo]] - [[indiehub]] is the main account of Gyuri in the [[fediverse]] - [[trailhub]] is the old name for the old approach -- [[indiehub]] is like [[indieweb]] but serverless / highly distributed - [[ipfs]], [[hypercore]] and [[holochain]] - all building on [[dhts]] - [[named data networking]] is the predecessor to these distributed systems - [[flancian]] agora updates - [[agora bot]] -> social media integration - community growing, feeling nice! - [[log]] - https://social.coop/@indiehub - https://botsin.space/@agora - Testing [[agora bot]] functionality - Testing using the [[agora]] from Mastodon by using [[wikilinks]] after following @agora@botsin.space. - Testing [[indiehub]] - [[agora]] integration :) - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Named_data_networking#annotations:74j9_EpAEey7ePNgUpMfDQ - [[free, fair and alive]] - https://anagora.org/free-fair-and-alive - https://anagora.org/wikilinks-everywhere``` - [[gyuri]] helped me find a bug in [[agora bot]] for mastodon! - the 'watching' list is not being updated correctly - [[orbitdb]] - distributed database, append semantics but with removal - isomorphic to: distributed [[pubsub]] - [[wiky]] - https://wiky.fission.app/rte/index.html?t=t%20-%20d4 - reminds me of: 0x's project (name?). [[braid]]. - [[open learning commons]] - [[web3 storage]] https://web3.storage ## [[2021-06-12]] - greetings! - [[gyuri]] - wanted to do [[mathematics]] and [[literature]] when ~16 or so - settled for [[philosophy]] and [[physics]] - wife did [[mathematics]] and [[philosophy]] - [[history]] and [[philosophy of science]] - phd in computing - going beyond rdf (complex/low level) and hierarchy - [[docdrop]] https://docdrop.org/video/XqxwwuUdsp4/#annotations:MKXJlg9aEeurAy8NWpahjQ - interop between [[trailmarks]] and [[agora]] - [[hyperknowledge]] - [[ipld]] - [[orbitdb]] ![[Pasted image 20210513204503.png]]